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Project Homini

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Homini, directly translated as the Human Being, as many of you know, consists of Corpus (the Body), Mens (the Mind), and Anima (the Soul). Through my search through life, for a way to use what was given to me, through no choice of my own, I found that in Homini, one must respect all three, in order to lead a fulfilling life.

Respectively, a concept was born in my mind. You need just two things: to gain knowledge (Scientia) and to act (Actus) on this knowledge. The beauty of this is that neither can exist without the other. You need knowledge to act, and you need to act, to gain knowledge. Life is nothing more than knowledge, action, and the interaction between the two in a never-ending cycle.

With this in mind, the idea is to gain knowledge for your Body, Mind and Soul, then to act with your Body, Mind and Soul, to gain knowledge, then act again. A simple, beautiful, and powerful idea, isn’t it? Both dance around like atoms around a nucleus.

I have searched for a long time for a better solution to my needs. None of the existing ones have helped me solve it. Years of trying and failing, then trying and failing again, helped me gain enough to bring to you — Project Homini.

Project Homini brings these ideas together to create a unique solution.

There are two main sections: Actus Homini (The Act of Man) and Scientia Homini (The Knowledge of Man). They both revolve around these sections.

  • Corpus (Body), which consists of:
    • Social — the place for your finances, people you have around and anything related to what revolves around you — mirroring the body.
    • Digital — your digital presence, consists of everything that connects you to the digital world, accounts, social media etc. — mirroring the mind.
    • Physical — anything related to your body and what you do to improve it, like gym workouts, meditating sessions, breathing exercises and other habits — this section mirrors the soul.
  • Mens (Mind), which consists of:
    • Tool Hub — a place for all your tools, digital, physical and all your bookmarks — mirroring the body.
    • Learning Hub — here you document and track any new skill or course you are doing to help your mind grow; with learning paths, you can connect projects and track them directly — mirroring the mind.
    • Thoughts Hub — this section can help you study and research any topics you always wanted to, and track them, having the possibility to access them anytime — this section mirrors the soul.
  • Anima (Soul), which consists of:
    • Nutrition — in this one, we will store any recipe for food or drinks; I found it important to put in Anima section, because food should not be perceived as something necessarily, but something that helps us grow and evolve, being mindful is very important — mirroring the body.
    • Library — a place for all your books, red or not, that you are looking for or wishing to buy — mirroring the mind.
    • Entertainment — art is very important for each of us, it is necessary to plan some time for your favourite music, movies or games — this section mirrors the soul.

I also found it necessary to add the next two sections:

  • Mundus (World), which is what you do, bring something to the world, either through work, your projects, or helping others. It consists of:
    • Opportunity — opportunities that can further lead to a job, project, or partnership.
    • Commission — projects and tasks you do for others that will further bring you financial additions, experience, or help you excel.
    • Work — your personal projects, ideas, or business.
  • Domum (Home), which is your surroundings, the place where you feel safe, and everything around it. It consists of:
    • Domestic — tasks and projects to do around the house, small and easy tasks, or errands for you or your family.
    • Restructure: — tasks and projects focused on cleaning, restructuring, or organizing your home, devices, or something in the digital world.

Actus is the main page where you will be everyday. It is made of two important databases, interconnected with everything everywhere. Projects, which are created using the categories mentioned above, and Tasks, which is directly connected to Projects.

Scientia is the secondary page, where all the knowledge is stored. Any section can be easily accessed from Actus, or any created project.

I understand that this solutions might not be for everyone, but it certainly helped me. So, I found it mandatory to share it with you. I am sure you will find in it, the help I found.

I want this!

Hello frens, I am Alexander, a generalist. My life revolves professionally around IT and Engineering, and personally around understanding life, being a good husband, brother, son and human.

Help people that are in the same situation I was, and help them calm the storm in their lives, with the help of Project Homini.
All the funds received will go towards the projects I have been waiting for so long to start.
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Project Homini

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I want this!